We love reading and know that it’s important to growing in life. Here we have listed the books that we are currently reading or have read in the past. Please feel free to click on the links provide to support our church with your purchase through Amazon and get your read on!

This book comes recommended by Aaron Denn, Youth Pastor.

This book provides a great challenge for all followers of Christ no matter how recent or how long you have been on this journey. “Weird” provides great insight into our lives and the fight that we have against being normal in today’s culture.  As followers of Christ, Groeschel challenges us to be weird, because normal
isn’t working.


This book comes recommended by Michelle McCollum, Communications Director.

In the book Love Well Jamie George encourages us to know and be known, to experience love deeply and give that love away. He suggests we open our eyes and do something new. We are to speak out our shame, set boundaries, recognize the value of suffering, listen to others’ stories, and be vulnerable with our own. The most important thing I took away from this book is that hope that prevails no matter what your starting point. Reading this book gave me pause to reflect and grasp a greater story – one bigger than my own.


This book comes recommended by Andrew Muñoz, Associate Pastor.

This book should be read by every man. Craig does an incredible job at challenging men to be men that “Fight” the battles of life that are worth fighting for. He writes in one section this: “God created man to have the heart of a warrior, placing a desire within us to stand up and fight for what’s pure, for what’s true, A man has a warrior’s heart. You have a warriors heart.” This is a great read for any young or old man looking to find the purpose that God has called men to be. If you’re a man, you should read this book.


This book comes recommended by Evan Westerfield, Video.

This is the memoir of a man absolutely wrecked by the love of God. I loved this book, it is a wonderful insight into how broken we are in our sin, and how incredible God is as a savior.


This book comes recommended by Curtis Harrel, Pastoral Care & Facilities.

In the first section on Seek God I really liked how much that Craig reminded the reader that: God is your One and Your spouse is your Two. That we must always seek the One with my two. My favorite section of this book is Fight Fair. The reality is: All couples fight. Will we choose to fight fair or dirty? “All couples fight, but healthy couples fight fair. Unhealthy couples fight dirty, with below-the belt jabs, sucker punches, angry accusations, and bitter grudges. Healthy couples fight for resolution. Unhealthy couples fight for personal victory. We need to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. We need to be laser
focused in listening.”


his book comes recommended by Jen Ervig, Admin Assistant.

A quick easy read with practical advice on how to form biblical friendships. It’s also an eye opener discovering the spiritual connections the author makes between the Holy Trinity and our own earthly friendships; as far as what true unity and love should look like, and the fact that our relationships as believers should mirror the unity of the Trinity. I believe this book is a great help for those who struggle with making friends/connections as well as for mature believers who may even consider themselves experts at being social because it will give them more wisdom and insight into their current and future relationships.


This book comes recommended by Aaron Denn, Youth Pastor.

“Your soul is the stream and you are its keeper” – if you ever wondered why life feels out of balance at its deepest level sometimes, John Ortberg will provide great clarity and help in understanding our deepest need is found in tending our souls. This is a great and easy read for anyone at any place in their life with Christ.
