The Power of Your Story
Megan Monterrosa

I may not know you personally, but I can say with certainty that someone’s life will change when they hear what God has been doing in yours. Your testimony is a unique weapon fashioned by the hand of God that has the power to overcome darkness.


 Did you know you have an amazing story? You really do. It’s time to learn it, know it, and go out and share it.


Trouble is, we forget how powerful our stories are or we don’t believe they are anything special. They get buried under familiarity and busyness. They get thwarted by fear of speaking out or by comparison. Maybe you’ve never stopped to consider that yours has been written by God for a specific purpose because people need to hear it. 


Your witness is incredibly deadly to the enemy’s work in this world. Revelation 12:11 says “and they (followers of Jesus) have defeated him (the devil, the accuser of the people of God) by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die (items in parentheses and emphasis mine).”


In our series Enemy at Work, we’ve been hearing about being able to recognize and deal with the enemy’s activity in areas of our lives. God has given you your testimony so that you can overcome him as the blood of Jesus washes you. You can powerfully proclaim what you’ve witnessed and watch strongholds crumble.


My hope is that after reading this, you will have the courage to pick up your weapon, be unashamedly proud of God and tell that incredible story He’s been writing in the miracle that is YOU. The blood of Jesus has saved you, the enemy can no longer accuse you, and you, my friend, are now a nuclear bomb in the enemy’s camp.


Because your witness is someone else’s breakthrough.

I may not know you personally, but I can say with certainty that someone’s life will change when they hear what God has been doing in yours. Your testimony is a unique weapon fashioned by the hand of God that has the power to overcome darkness.


 Did you know you have an amazing story? You really do. It’s time to learn it, know it, and go out and share it.


Trouble is, we forget how powerful our stories are or we don’t believe they are anything special. They get buried under familiarity and busyness. They get thwarted by fear of speaking out or by comparison. Maybe you’ve never stopped to consider that yours has been written by God for a specific purpose because people need to hear it. 


Your witness is incredibly deadly to the enemy’s work in this world. Revelation 12:11 says “and they (followers of Jesus) have defeated him (the devil, the accuser of the people of God) by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die (items in parentheses and emphasis mine).”


In our series Enemy at Work, we’ve been hearing about being able to recognize and deal with the enemy’s activity in areas of our lives. God has given you your testimony so that you can overcome him as the blood of Jesus washes you. You can powerfully proclaim what you’ve witnessed and watch strongholds crumble.


My hope is that after reading this, you will have the courage to pick up your weapon, be unashamedly proud of God and tell that incredible story He’s been writing in the miracle that is YOU. The blood of Jesus has saved you, the enemy can no longer accuse you, and you, my friend, are now a nuclear bomb in the enemy’s camp.


Because your witness is someone else’s breakthrough.