Find Your Team

Welcome to Find Your Team Online!

We are a fun church on a serious mission, and it take all of Us for We to win! That’s right, we can’t do this without you. Every week, it takes hundreds of volunteer teams across all departments. From serving in kids, youth, worship, kitchen, espresso, and administration, to all of our Host teams like greeters, ushers, the Hub, parking team, and many more, we need your help!

1 Corinthians 12 describes for us that every single one of us are meant to be a part of the Body of Christ. Meaning, like our human bodies have many parts: hands, ears, eyes, mouth, feet, legs etc., each with its specific function that together makes the body a magnificent cohesive machine, and the body of believers operates in the same way. Each of us are uniquely gifted and able to help the body of christ work cohesively toward its purpose. Serving is one of the greatest opportunities and also one of the most fulfilling functions.

We would love to have you join us on our mission, jump in and Find Your Team today! ⬇️